Honey Melon Salad
Since melon season is just about over, I wanted to post this uncomplicated recipe today so you could bid a fond farewell to this summertime staple. The pineapple mint shown in the photo is a nice touch.
Serves: 6 Serving size: 1 cup Preparation time: 20 minutes tops Chill time: 1 hour
Ingredients 1-1/2 cups cantaloupe chunks 1-1/2 cups honeydew chunks 1-1/2 cups watermelon chunks 1/2 cup red or green grapes 1/2 cup fresh dates, chopped coarsely 1/2 cup slivered almonds 2 ounces fresh orange juice 4 tablespoons honey 1 teaspoon mace Fresh mint leaves
Directions 1. Combine fruit and nuts in a large bowl. 2. Mix together orange juice, honey and mace. (Heat honey a little if necessary to mix.) 3. Pour this liquid mix over the fruit. 4. Turn into a serving bowl and garnish with mint. Chill for an hour before serving.
I hope you enjoy this dish. Let me know if you’ve tried it and how it turned out.
Good cooking to you, Linda Note: Would you like a printout of this and other recipes? These directions may help: Use your mouse to select only the text you want to copy rather than the entire page. Then press Ctrl+C, open your Word program and press Ctrl+V to paste the semi-formatted text. Print it from there.