Save money and use only the most nutritious ingredients by making your own quality quick bread mix. This recipe came from Adelle Davis’ cook book, Let’s Cook It Right first published in 1947 and updated in 1970. I met Ms. Davis, who was a health food guru for the hippie generation, when I was a student at the University of New Mexico. Quarkwatch.org describes her as “the first ‘health authority’ among modern food faddists who had a formal professional background.” Her other books are Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit, Let’s Have Healthy Children, Let’s Get Well, and You Can Get Well. She is especially known for her “Perfect Turkey.” Davis’ ideas had a profound influence on me, and I still refer to her books. Her Quick Bread Mix is one of my favorites. I always keep it handy in the fridge for waffles, pancakes, and other applications.
Makes 11 cups of mix Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
Ingredients 6 cups whole wheat flour 2 cups soy flour 1 1/2 tablespoons salt 1/3 cup baking powder ‘2 1/2 cups wheat germ
Directions Combine all ingredients and mix together. Keep unused mix refrigerated This mix can be use in many guick bread recipes. Just substitute this mixture for the flour, salt, and leavening ingredients.
Try these Nutritious Waffles and Nutritious Pancakes using this mix. I hope you enjoy these recipes. Let me know if you’ve tried them and how they turned out.
Good cooking to you, Linda Note: Would you like a printout of this and other recipes? These directions may help: Use your mouse to select only the text you want to copy rather than the entire page. Then press Ctrl+C, open your Word program and press Ctrl+V to paste the semi-formatted text. Print it from there.